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Cloud computing is changing the way we work. It’s no longer just about having your own computer in your home or office, but also about using cloud services that provide a wide range of applications and features. The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate certification is one of the most popular certifications for anyone involved in building and managing cloud computing systems and applications. This blog will tell you everything from where to start studying for your AWS certification, what materials are available online as well as how to prepare yourself both physically (by getting some hands-on experience at an AWS lab) and mentally (by taking what feels like dozens of practice tests).
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AWS has 10 certifications, but the one that most candidates ultimately pursue is the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate.
The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate credential is the most popular AWS certification, with more than 50,000 candidates to have earned it. This includes individuals working for start-ups or large enterprises that need to navigate the intricacies of Amazon’s infrastructure.
The other two certifications are geared toward experienced developers: the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional certification requires three years of experience in web development, and the Advanced Cloud Services Architect certification targets architects who have worked with multiple cloud providers before moving into new roles within SaaS companies.
To prepare for the practice test, we recommend you use the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Blueprint.
We recognize that this is a complicated topic, and it can be difficult to know where to start. To help you get started with your preparation, we recommend using the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Blueprint as a starting point.
The Blueprint is a good reference for learning about AWS, but it’s also important for passing the exam because it allows candidates to see exactly what they will be tested on when taking practice tests at Prometric centres around the world.
It's a good idea to do as much hands-on work as possible.
The more you understand what’s going on, the better prepared you will be for the exam. The more prepared you are, the better your chances of passing.
The more practice and confidence that comes from doing lots of exercises in AWS Certified Solutions Developer – Cloud Computing certification training, the better!
Having your own environment in which to play with an application or service is essential to understanding how it works.
You must have your own environment in which to play with an application or service if you want to understand how it works. This can be done by using a cloud provider, or by setting up your own environment on AWS.
If you use a cloud provider, then you will be charged for the time that it takes for them to set up and maintain this environment for you (e.g., a Virtual Private Cloud). If, however, instead of using a cloud provider like AWS or Google Cloud Platform (GCP), which provides virtual machines as part of its services offering but does not provide any additional resources such as storage capacity directly from their own data centers located within countries around the world where those companies originated from before becoming global leaders today!
You'll want real-world experience too.
You’ll need to understand the technology and its use cases before you can apply it successfully. You should have experience working with cloud-based technologies, or at least have an interest in learning more about them. If you’re just starting out, don’t worry—you can always pick up some new skills during your certification journey!
You must also have a good understanding of business problems that may be solved by implementing a cloud solution. This includes knowing what kind of information needs to be stored in this type of data center (for example, customer records), how often they need access (daily versus weekly), and so on.
You don't have to go through the process of certification alone.
If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve got you covered.
There are many resources available to help you prepare for the exam:
- There are online communities that can help you study. Amazon recommends using a community such as Reddit’s AWS subreddit or Stack Overflow’s AWS forum, which both have dedicated threads for AWS certifications and related topics. You can also find people in your area who are studying for the exam and join them!
- We at CloudThat are well known for guiding/mentoring AWS certifications. In fact, we offer multiple learning opportunities that you might be looking for to make up your career. You can find the link right over here.
A cloud certification is important for anyone involved in building and managing cloud computing systems and applications.
You need to know how to build and manage cloud computing systems and applications for your organization.
You also need to know how to build and manage cloud computing systems and applications for your customers.
There are many ways you can study for your AWS certification.
There are many different ways you can study for your AWS certification. You can take an online course, read a book, watch videos and self-paced learning material all of which will help you learn more about the various aspects of cloud computing.
You also have mentors who are experts in their field and can guide you through the certification process step by step, as well as provide advice on how best to prepare yourself before taking any exams or completing any assignments. This community is available 24/7 so if at any point in time there are questions that arise during your studies then they’re always there for support!
We hope this blog has helped you understand what AWS certification is all about. We know it can be intimidating but remember that with practice and preparation, you’ll do great! Good luck!
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CloudThat incepted in 2012 is the first Indian organization to offer Cloud training and consultancy for mid-market and enterprise clients. Our business goal is providing global services on Cloud Engineering, Cloud Training and Cloud Expert Line. The expertise in all major cloud platforms including Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), VMware and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) position us as pioneers in the realm.

WRITTEN BY Sharan Johijode