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Understanding PaaS vs SaaS vs IaaS: Detailed Differences and Use Cases

In the present day, cloud services are raging in the market. Many IT giants provide a range of cloud services at competitive prices. Emerging business owners in the market are unaware of the exact difference between these offerings and are unaware of which option fits best for their business.

There are three crucial cloud concepts, namely PaaS (Platform as a Service), SaaS (Software as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). There are more subsets of cloud models that include CaaS (Container as a Service), DaaS (Desktop as a Service), etc. Here we will break down the differences between the top 3 cloud concepts that can help you decide which fits perfectly to fulfil your business needs.

To start with, let us first understand cloud computing basics

Consider that you have a physical data centre with several on-site servers for your Enterprise software and databases. The company incurs the initial investment in terms of the location and IT infrastructure, and the cost will gradually increase due to their maintenance.

FAQs: 10 Commonly Asked Questions About Cloud Computing provides answers on cloud models, cloud architecture, virtualization, etc.

Let us take a quick look at what it means to use software, platform and infrastructure as a service.


Software as a Service

Software as a Service allows end-users to connect to and use the cloud-based apps over the internet like emails, calendar, Microsoft Office 365, Google G-Suite etc.

Cloud vendors provide the complete freedom to work on the procured software, which is entirely maintained and managed by the vendors without worrying about the underlying infrastructure and updating the software for security patches.

For organizational use, we can rent sophisticated business applications such as customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and document management and pay for using these apps by subscription.

SaaS Characteristics:

Uses Cases:

Platform as a Service:

Platform as a Service supplies an on-demand environment for developing, testing, delivering and managing software applications. It makes development easier for developers to create mobile or web apps faster, without worrying about the underlying infrastructure like servers, storage, networking.

PaaS Characteristics:

Use Cases:

When multiple developers or external parties are working on the development project, PaaS is the best option to bring speed and flexibility to the development process.

Infrastructure as a Service

It is the most basic computing service that rents essential compute, storage, networking, and operating system resources on-demand on the pay-as-you-go model. Migrating your organization’s IT infrastructure to the cloud reduces the maintenance of the physical data centre, saves money, and gains some real-time business insights.

IaaS characteristics:

Use Cases:


The scope of cloud computing is very vast. According to a report, the cloud computing market in India is at $2 billion and is expected to grow with an annual growth rate of 30%. CloudThat has led to many successful cloud projects for our esteemed clients and successfully contributed to their business growth. You can go through the Expert Advisory page and Managed Services Package that is CloudThat’s offerings. You can quickly get in touch with our highly accomplished team of experts to carry out any of your cloud requirements. To know more about cloud computing, cloud services, feel free to Contact Us. 

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WRITTEN BY Harshita Gupta



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