AWS, Cloud Computing, DevOps

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Streamlining AWS Infrastructure Management with Terraformer

Voiced by Amazon Polly


Managing AWS infrastructure efficiently and securely requires a robust approach. Terraform and Terraformer are powerful tools that enable Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices, allowing you to define, provision, and manage AWS resources programmatically. This step-by-step guide will use Terraformer to import existing AWS resources into Terraform configurations.


Terraformer is a powerful tool that extends the capabilities of Terraform, a popular Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool used to manage cloud infrastructure.

Terraformer specifically focuses on AWS (Amazon Web Services) and enables users to seamlessly import existing AWS resources into their Terraform configurations. This functionality is especially valuable when organizations are transitioning from manual infrastructure setups to IaC practices or when they need to manage resources that were initially created outside of Terraform.

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Key Benefits of Terraformer

  • Terraformer simplifies the process of importing existing cloud resources into Terraform configurations.
  • This efficiency eliminates the need for manual recreation of resources, saving time and reducing the risk of errors during infrastructure setup.
  • Organizations can automate resource provisioning, scaling, and management tasks by integrating Terraformer into Terraform workflows.
  • This automation enhances operational efficiency and enables seamless scalability to meet evolving business needs.
  • Maintaining consistency and standardization across cloud environments is crucial for effective infrastructure management.
  • Terraformer ensures that imported resources adhere to predefined configurations and standards, promoting uniformity and reducing configuration drift.


  1. AWS Account: You need an AWS account with appropriate permissions to access and manage AWS resources.
  2. Terraform: Install Terraform on your local machine. You can download it from the official Terraform website: Terraform Downloads.
  3. Terraformer: Install Terraformer.
  4. AWS Credentials: Configure AWS credentials with sufficient permissions. You can set them using AWS CLI (aws configure) or environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY).

Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s walk through the detailed steps of using Terraformer and Terraform to manage your AWS infrastructure efficiently and securely.

Step 1: Configure AWS Credentials

Ensure that your AWS credentials are properly configured. You can set them using the AWS CLI or environment variables. For example, using the AWS CLI:

Enter your AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, AWS Region, and default output format.


Step 2: Install Terraformer

The process varies depending on your operating system. You can use commands like export and curl for Linux to download and set up Terraformer.



Step 3: Initialize Terraform Configuration

Create a new directory for your Terraform project and initialize a new Terraform configuration file ( This file defines the required Terraform providers and version constraints.

Paste this:


Then run,


Step 4: Import AWS Resources with Terraformer

Use Terraformer to import existing AWS resources into your Terraform configuration. You can import specific resources or entire AWS services. For example, to import Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon S3 buckets:


Terraformer will generate Terraform configuration files (.tf files) based on the imported resources. You can review and modify these files as needed.


Step 5: Customize Terraform Configuration

Customize the generated Terraform configuration files to match your infrastructure requirements. You can specify resource attributes, dependencies, and configurations within the Terraform scripts.

Step 6: Apply Terraform Changes

Apply the Terraform changes to create or modify AWS resources based on your Terraform configuration.

Review the Terraform execution plan and confirm the changes to apply them to your AWS infrastructure.

Step 7: Manage and Scale Infrastructure

Continue managing your AWS infrastructure using Terraform. You can scale resources, update configurations, and track changes using Terraform commands (terraform plan, terraform apply, terraform destroy).


Following these step-by-step instructions, you can leverage Terraformer to seamlessly import existing AWS resources into Terraform configurations, enabling efficient management and automation of AWS infrastructure. Embrace Infrastructure as Code practices to achieve scalability, reliability, and consistency in your cloud environment on AWS. Embrace Terraformer to unlock efficiency, consistency, and agility in your AWS infrastructure workflows.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding Terraformer and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. What are the benefits of Terraformer with Terraform for AWS infrastructure?

ANS: – Terraformer enhances efficiency, consistency, and scalability in managing cloud infrastructure with code, promoting automation and best practices.

2. Can Terraformer import specific AWS resources or only entire services?

ANS: – Terraformer provides flexibility to import specific AWS resources and entire services, catering to diverse infrastructure management needs.

3. How does Terraform manage AWS resource changes post-import?

ANS: – Terraform manages AWS resource changes through state management, execution plans, and controlled application of changes, ensuring consistency and reliability in infrastructure management.

WRITTEN BY Noopur Shrivastava

Noopur Shrivastava works as a Research Associate at CloudThat. She is focused on gaining knowledge of the Cloud environment. Noopur loves learning about new technology and trying out different approaches to problem-solving.



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