Cloud Computing

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Learn to Optimize AWS Computing Resources using AWS Compute Optimizer Service

Many emerging Cloud Computing technologies are developing in this era of IT. AWS is one of the giant Cloud providers that provides various Cloud services like EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud), S3 (Simple Storage Service), RDS (Relational Database), Lambda and many more. While one of the most challenging things to do on Cloud is to optimize the computing power which leads to utilize the overall bill cost-effectively. In this blog, I will make you aware of one of the AWS services called Compute Optimizer, a newly introduced in 2019 that will help us to do so.

First, we’ll discuss AWS service EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), one of the most powerful and legacy services of AWS. It deals with compute capacities which are secure, resizable, called server machines in the Cloud that has many benefits like scaling flexibility, root-level control, reliable, cost-effective and easy to provision / create.

AWS Compute Optimizer

A service which helps the user to reduce their cost and optimize the performance of EC2 machines by using machine learning to analyze historical utilization metrics.

As you know, the overprovisioning of machines in EC2 can lead to fetch unnecessary costs in the bill, and on the other end, under-provisioning can lead us to the poor performance of applications running in EC2.

Compute Optimizer assists us in choosing the optimal options of EC2 instance types, including those which are part of an EC2 Auto Scaling group, based on utilization data.

How does it work?

It recommends the options by applying the information drawn from Amazon’s own experience running diverse workloads in the Cloud, Compute Optimizer

It also identifies workload patterns and recommends optimal compute resources and analyzes the configuration and resource utilization of workload to identify dozens of defining characteristics, for example, if a workload is CPU-intensive like analyzing and processing images via accessing local storage frequently.

The service processes these characteristics and identifies the hardware resource headroom required by the workload. Compute Optimizer concludes how the workload would have performed on various hardware platforms (e.g., Amazon EC2 instances types) and offers recommendations.

Now here are some of the Benefits of Compute Optimizer

  1. Reducing the Cost of EC2 servers by 25 % by recommending the right size, instance types and the service itself is available at no extra cost.
  2. Optimized performance of running workload with doable recommendations
  3. Easy to use and free of cost

Currently, there are some Limitations

AWS resources do not have recommendations until they have been running for at least 30 hours.

AWS Compute Optimizer is available in US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon and N. California), South America (Sao Paulo), Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, and Tokyo), Canada (Central), and Europe (Ireland, Frankfurt, London, and Stockholm), and supports the M, C, R, T and X instance families.

Implementing Compute Optimizer

Step 1: Sign into AWS Management Console and search for Compute Optimizer

Learn to Optimize AWS Computing Resources using AWS Compute Optimizer Service


Step 2: Click on Opt-in for using the service as it will create a read-only service-role which will redirect you to Dashboard

Learn to Optimize AWS Computing Resources using AWS Compute Optimizer Service


Step 3: It may take time to scan the information of running EC2 in AWS Infrastructure and provide the recommendations for all supported Instances

Learn to Optimize AWS Computing Resources using AWS Compute Optimizer Service


Step 4: View recommendation based on instances types

Learn to Optimize AWS Computing Resources using AWS Compute Optimizer Service


Step 5: Compare and control the over-provisioned and under-provisioned resources with the metrics provided

Learn to Optimize AWS Computing Resources using AWS Compute Optimizer ServiceSource:

You can use compute optimizer at No Cost. EC2 instance type and EC2 Auto Scaling group configuration recommendations are available for free.

To learn more about AWS courses/services visit: Get Consulting from our AWS experts at competitive prices.

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