Analysis, Analytics, Big Data, Cloud Computing

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Career opportunities in Cloud Computing and Big Data

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“The global analytics market is expected to reach $25 billion by 2015 and the global cloud market is expected to be ~$675 billion by 2020. Indian IT players need to capitalize on its already well established IT/BPM market presence by increasing their services portfolio beyond the typical IT offerings.” Social, Mobile, Analytics & Cloud – The Game Changers for the Indian IT Industry June 2013 – Dinodia Capital Advisors.

Organizations have realized the importance of Big Data and are now looking for ways of gleaning insights from it that will be to their advantage. The large quantity, velocity and the diversity of this data has given rise to the need for Data scientists who are trained and have the ability to analyze data that is available at this magnitude.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing on the other hand utilizes the internet to provide software and hardware capacities to businesses through third party vendors. Services involving the Cloud offer to reduce cost, complexity and save time. Players in the IT sector are seriously looking towards offering their services through the cloud as a result of the continuous and growing deployment of businesses on the cloud. This has created opportunities for firms and individuals who are experts at architecting solutions in the cloud and know how to adapt existing services to the cloud. Cloud Services have been predicted to create over 3,00,000 Jobs By 2015.

For an example that is also an evidence of this increasing opportunity Click here.


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