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ReduxToolkit is used to build Redux applications developed by the Redux team. It aims to simplify the process of building Redux applications and provide a more intuitive API for managing application state. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the details of Redux-Toolkit and explore how it can help you build better Redux apps.
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Redux Toolkit
ReduxToolkit is a package that provides a set of utilities and tools to simplify the process of creating Redux applications.
It consists of several libraries and tools that help simplify Redux code and increase developer productivity.
Functions in Redux-Toolkit
- CreateSlice:
CreateSlice is a function provided by the Redux Toolkit library that simplifies the process of creating parts of a Redux store that manage the state of a specific part.
A slice is essentially a subset of the Redux store that contains a specific piece of data, along with the operations and reducers needed to update that data. Slices make managing complex states in the Redux store easier by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable chunks.
Here is an example using createSlice:
In this example, we are creating a Redux store section called “counter”.
Slices maintain a single portion of state initialized to 0.
We also define three reducers: increment, decrement, and increment amount.
These reducers handle different ways to update the state managed by the slice.
Finally, we implement the actions object, which contains references to all defined reducers, and reducer functions that manage the slice’s state.
Using createSlice allows us to define state slices with much less boilerplate code than without. It automatically generates action types and action creators based on the names of the reducers we define, and it also uses the always library to handle the immutability of state updates.
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import { createSlice } from ‘@reduxjs/toolkit’; const counterSlice = createslice({ name: 'counter', initialstate: 0, reducers: { increment: state => state + 1, decrement: state => state - 1, incrementByAmount: (state, action) => state + action.payload,}}); export const { increment, decrement, incrementByAmount } = counterSlice.actions; export default counterSlice.reducer; |
2. ConfigureStore:
configureStore is a function provided by the Redux Toolkit library that helps to create Redux stored procedures with sensible defaults and pre-configured middleware.
Here is an example of using configureStore:
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import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import counterReducer from './counterslice'; const store = configurestore({ reducer: { counter: counterReducer,}, }) |
In this example, we are using configureStore to create a Redux store. We pass an object to configureStore containing the minifier field. The reducer field is an object that maps keys to functions in the reducer. In this case, we use a reducer function called counterReducer to manage the state associated with the counter.
configureStore also provides sensible middleware defaults, including:
redux-thunk: Allows us to write asynchronous logic in Redux actions.
redux-immutable-state-invariant: Provide runtime checks to ensure we don’t accidentally change our state.
serializable-state-invariant: Provides runtime checks to ensure our state and operations are serializable.
We can also pass additional middleware as an array to the middleware field in the config object.
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import logger from '*. /counterslice'; import counterReducer from '. /counterSlice' const store = configurestore({ reducer: { counter: counterReducer, }, middleware: [...getDefaultMiddleware(), logger] }); |
In this example, we use the dispatch operator to add the middleware redux-logger to the middleware array of our store.
We also include the default middleware provided by getDefaultMiddleware , including the abovementioned middleware.
Using configureStore allows us to create a Redux store with reasonable defaults and preconfigured middleware with very little boilerplate code. This makes it easier to start with Redux and simplifies setting up a Redux store.
3. createEntityAdapter
createEntityAdapter is a utility function that helps to simplify the process of managing entities in Redux. It generates the necessary actions and reducers for CRUD operations on entities.
4. useSelector and useDispatch:
useDispatch and useSelector are two hooks provided by the Redux Toolkit that make interacting with the Redux store from React components easy.
Dispatch is used to dispatch actions to the Redux store. This returns a reference to the store’s submit function, which can be used to submit jobs.
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import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'; import { increment } from './counterslice'; function CounterButton() { const dispatch = usebDispatch(); return ( <button onclick={() => dispatch(increment())}> Increment </button> ); } |
This example uses useDispatch to get a reference to the store’s dispatch function. Then use this function to schedule the incremental action defined in the counterSlice counter. It takes as parameter a selection function, which is a function that takes a full saved state as a parameter and returns a partial saved state.
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import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; function Counterdisplay() { const count = useselector(state => state.counter); return <div>Count: {count}</div>; } |
In this example, useSelector is used to select the state of the store counter. The state parameter passed to the selector function is the overall state of the Redux store.
We use a selector function to return only the state of the counter and then store it in the count variable.
The combination of useDispatch and useSelector makes creating React components that interact with the Redux store easy. You can use useDispatch to dispatch an action and useSelector to select data from a repository, making it easy to keep your components in sync with the repository state.
Immer – Immer is a library that helps to simplify the process of writing immutable update logic for your Redux reducers.
Uses of Redux-Toolkit
- Less boilerplate – Redux-Toolkit provides a set of utilities and tools that help to reduce the amount of boilerplate code that you have to write when creating Redux applications
- Improved developer productivity – Redux-Toolkit simplifies the process of managing the state in your Redux application, which makes it easier to understand and work with
- Better performance – Redux-Toolkit provides a set of tools and utilities that help optimize your Redux application’s performance.
Redux-Toolkit is a powerful package for building Redux applications. It provides a set of tools and utilities that help to simplify the process of managing the state in your application and improve developer productivity. If you’re building a Redux application, consider using Redux-Toolkit to simplify your code and improve performance.
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1. Why use Redux-Toolkit?
ANS: – Toolkit provides us with Less boilerplate as compared to old Redux. It improves developers’ productivity and gives better performance.
2. What are other features provided by Redux-Toolkit?
ANS: – Toolkit also has a feature called RTK-Query, a very powerful data caching, and fetching tool.
3. How is Redux-Toolkit different from Redux?
ANS: – Redux is a JavaScript library for managing application states mostly used with React but can be easily used with other frameworks of JavaScript as well. Redux-Toolkit simplifies the process of using Redux and reduces initial boilerplate code.
WRITTEN BY Rishav Mehta