Who should take up the Microsoft MS-500 certification exam?
CloudThat’s Azure training course for the preparation of MS-500 certification exam can be taken up by: Microsoft 365 Security administrator Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator
What is the time duration for the Microsoft MS-500 exam?
Candidates appearing for the MS-500 exam will get 120 minutes to complete the Microsoft Azure Security Administrator Associate certification exam.
How many questions are there in the MS-500 Microsoft 365 Security Administration certification exam?
Candidates need to answer between 40-60 questions. However, the number of questions may change as and when changes in technology and job roles occur.
What is the passing score for Microsoft 365 Security Administrator Associate exam?
Candidates need to score 700 (on a scale of 1-1000) to pass the Microsoft 365 MS-500 exam.
What will you learn from CloudThat’s MS-500 certification training course?
After completing CloudThat’s highly interactive MS-500 exam training in Bangalore or other cities, you will be able to: Implement and manage identity and access Implement and manage threat protection Implement and manage information protection Manage governance and compliance features in Microsoft 365
Is CloudThat’s MS-500 training in Bangalore an accredited course?
Yes. Microsoft accredits our training courses. We are a Microsoft Gold Partner and the winner of the Microsoft Learning Partner 2020 of the Year Finalist award.
How often CloudThat updates the Microsoft 365 online training course?
From time to time, Microsoft keeps on revising and updating the MS 365 certification exam syllabus according to changing technology trends and industry standards. At CloudThat, we have a dedicated team of highly experienced and Microsoft 365 certified subject matter experts who keep a close eye on the exam syllabus and updated the training course curriculum accordingly to keep it updated and relevant.
How to prepare for the Microsoft 365 MS-500 exam?
To prepare for the MS-500 certification and pass the exam successfully, candidates need to enroll in CloudThat’s Microsoft 365 Security Administration certification training course in Bangalore. Our subject matter experts and certified Microsoft 365 trainers who offer training through online or instructor-led classes and provide relevant study material necessary to support your exam preparation. At CloudThat, you can strengthen your practical Azure skills through hands-on lab sessions and test your knowledge before the final exam through our testprep platform. Besides our training and assistance, candidates can also: • Join online forum discussions and study groups to enrich your knowledge. • Have a detailed understanding of the exam structure. • Study Microsoft documentation along with relevant whitepapers and eBooks.