Case Study

Achieving High User Satisfaction with Real-Time Voucher Status Updates in App

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Training and Consulting


Power Apps, Microsoft Office


Power Apps Automation Halves Approval Time and Boosts Satisfaction by 80% with 100% Compliance

About the Client

CloudThat is the official AWS Advanced Consulting Partner with competencies in Migration, DevOps, Data and Analytics, Microsoft Workloads and Service Delivery Partner for AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EKS, Amazon ECS, Amazon EC2, & Amazon QuickSight. CloudThat helps businesses achieve higher goals using best-in-industry cloud computing practices and expertise.



Time Reduction


User Satisfaction


Efficiency and Compliance

The Challenge

The organization’s manual process for handling voucher requests and redemptions is inefficient and error-prone, causing delays and frustration for both employees and customers. The lack of automation results in slow approvals and distributions, while the absence of a transparent tracking system keeps the status of voucher requests unclear, worsening the overall experience.


• Developed a user-friendly Power Apps application for standardized voucher request submissions. This simplified data entry and improve process efficiency by centralizing request management.
• Automated voucher approval notifications with Power Automate flows. Streamlined the approval process by routing requests to appropriate approvers and providing real-time status updates.
• Utilized Power Automate for automated reminders to update voucher statuses.Enhanced tracking accuracy and ensured timely updates throughout the voucher lifecycle.
• Implemented a system in the Power Platform to trigger email notifications for redemption issues which promptly addresses and resolve issues reported during voucher redemption, improving customer satisfaction.

The Results

Automating vouchers with Power Apps halves approval time, real-time updates achieve 80% user satisfaction, bulk processing with Power Automate takes 5 minutes, and enforced updates ensure 100% compliance.

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