Case Study

Achieved a 25% Cost Reduction with Just 0.1% Downtime for an E-Commerce Company

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AWS CloudFormation, Amazon S3, AWS IAM, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon EC2, AWS ElasticSearch, Amazon RDS


Enhanced performance with optimized Amazon ECS deployments, including cost-efficient spot instances, traffic-boosting failover setups, seamless releases, and high-capacity support

About the Client

TiLa is headquartered in Riyadh and has warehouses in Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dammam. It also has a branch office in Dubai, UAE, and an R&D Center in Bangalore, India—TiLa Labs. A fast-growing e-commerce company in Saudi Arabia, TiLa offers diverse online shopping in fashion, lifestyle, electronics, and groceries, innovating for exceptional customer experiences. 



Traffic and Availability Boost


Cost Efficiency and Reliability

15 releases per service

Streamlined Deployment Processes

The Challenge

The client’s development team faced challenges managing growing feature requests, testing, and deployments of Java and NodeJS applications on Amazon ECS. Manual deployments without strategic planning led to increased developer time spent on problem-solving. Infrastructure provisioning was not automated, making scaling difficult, with frequent update failures. Application downtime occurred due to the absence of an alerting system, while the lack of centralized logging hindered monitoring, tracking, and archiving of application logs essential for business continuity. 


  • Applications are deployed across distinct environments (development, staging, pre-production, production) with workloads orchestrated on Amazon ECS. AWS CloudFormation, an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, is used to provision and manage these environments. 
  • Bitbucket and Jenkins handle version control and continuous integration. A Jenkins pipeline automates app building, Dockerization, and storage on Amazon S3, while AWS CodePipeline manages Amazon ECR changes and Amazon ECS deployments through CodeDeploy. 
  • Amazon CloudWatch, Prometheus, and Glowroot are used for APM and infrastructure monitoring. They track metrics from Amazon ECS Cluster instances, Amazon EC2 instances, and Amazon ECS tasks. This includes monitoring memory, CPU, and disk utilization with an integrated email alerting system. 
  • Amazon ECS Service Auto Scaling is implemented to dynamically adjust the desired task count based on changing demand, with scaling policies triggering scaling events. Auto Scaling Groups manage the load for Amazon EC2 instances. 
  • A load balancer distributes traffic among Amazon ECS tasks. An internet-facing Application Load Balancer (ALB) handles web layer exposure, while internal ALBs balance traffic for the internal application servers. 
  • Amazon RDS with Multi-AZ deployment ensures high availability and automated failover, with scheduled backups, replication, and snapshots for data durability and recovery. 
  • Build artifacts are stored in Amazon S3, with Amazon ECR used as a Docker image registry. 

The Results

Implemented AWS CloudFormation for automated infrastructure provisioning, utilized cost-efficient spot instances on Amazon ECS with 25% expense reduction and 0.1% downtime, enhanced database and Apache service failover setups by 20%, streamlined deployments to save 30 minutes per release, and achieved e-commerce site support for 1000 requests per second with fast, accurate performance. 

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