Cloud Computing, Cloud security, Cyber Security

3 Mins Read

Trust Neither a Zero Nor a One! Zero Trust Model Explained (without jargon)

1. Zero Trust Security: An Introduction
2. Points to Ponder During Zero-Trust Model Implementation
3. Key Benefits of the Zero Trust Model
4. Conclusion
5. About CloudThat
6. FAQs


Zero Trust Security: An Introduction

The Zero Trust model is based on a philosophy that no device or person inside or outside of the organization’s network should be given access to the IT infrastructure and services until authenticated and are continuously verified. 

It is an excellent way of providing cybersecurity to organizations having confidential data/information and facilitates employees to work remotely. 

This model is completely focused on protecting various resources such as network accounts, databases, and different services, present as a part of the IT infrastructure.  

The term, Zero Trust comes from the fundamental principle that any access to the source must be verified. Regardless of the device and human location, the verification process is repeated regularly according to the workload. Usage of the same device and save the possibility of information availability is not an option. 

The Zero Trust model works by assuming that every endpoint and connection is considered a threat. This is based on one of out of the three principles of the zero-trust model. This blog post brings out the important measures to be taken while implementing Zero Trust Models.  

Points to Ponder During Zero-Trust Model Implementation


Source: Freepik Images


Always assume breach  

With this principle in consideration, the zero-trust framework protects the IT infrastructure against threats, whether internal or external along with protection against existing connections by using continuous verifications. 

In brief, the zero-trust model inspects and logs all network traffic, limits and controls access to the network and verifies and secures all the resources and services. 

Use least privilege access 

The Zero Trust model makes use of the least privilege access, which states that users can only access resources and data on a limited basis i.e., according to the need and authorization level. The zero-trust model ensures that data and resources are inaccessible by default and requires authentication and verification of the user to allow access to the IT infrastructure. 

With the usage of the Zero trust model, every connection made (such as when a user connects to an application), every device and network flow is authenticated and authorized. 

Use dynamic policies 

The zero-trust model uses dynamic policies with context from as many data sources as possible to authenticate and authorize every device connecting to the network. Usage of the zero-trust framework ensures that all interactions meet the conditional requirements of the company’s security policies and compliance. 

To successfully implement a zero-trust model, the first requirement for the organization is to connect information from various security domains. This requires the security teams across the company to agree upon priorities and access policies. They must secure all the connections from across the business, from data to users, workloads and networks and devices to applications. 

The second requirement is the presence of a well-planned roadmap and strategy must be in place to implement and combine security tools to achieve specific business-focused outcomes. 

Key Benefits of the Zero Trust Model

The following factors must be adopted by organizations while adopting the zero-trust model: 

Successful implementation of the zero-trust model can help in bringing context and insight into a rapidly evolving attack surface for the security team and help in improving the user experience as well. 


The Zero Trust Model works perfectly for users, simplifies infrastructure requirements, and helps protect against cybercrimes. 

It has different components that can help ensure network trust and avoid malicious attacks, which is done by securing application access for all employees and partners.  

This model reduces the risks of data breaches through its support for compliance initiatives. It reduces complexity and helps in saving IT resources while reducing business and organizational risk. 

About CloudThat

CloudThat is a cloud agnostic organization. We are AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, Microsoft Gold Partner, and Training partner, Google Cloud Partner, VMware Training Reseller empowering organizations and professionals with cloud skills. We are on a mission to build a robust cloud computing ecosystem by disseminating knowledge on technological intricacies within the cloud space. Our blogs, webinars, case studies, and white papers enable all the stakeholders in the cloud computing sphere.


  1. What is the concept of zero trust model?

A Zero Trust Model is an approach of implementing cybersecurity by replacing implicit trust with continuous validation of every stage of all digital interactions.

 2. What are the Core Principles of the Zero Trust Model?


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WRITTEN BY Komal Singh



  1. Madhusudhan

    Jul 24, 2022


    It’s very informative… keep up the good work komal 👏👏

    • Komal

      Jul 25, 2022


      Thank you!

  2. Divya

    Jul 21, 2022


    Great read and very informative, keep up the good work

    • Komal

      Jul 24, 2022


      Thanks Divya!

  3. Raksha

    Jul 19, 2022


    Great start and the article is very informative!
    All the best for the future one’s.

    • Komal Singh

      Jul 19, 2022


      Thanks Raksha!

  4. Amrutha

    Jul 19, 2022


    Good one & informative!

    • Komal Singh

      Jul 19, 2022


      Thank you!

  5. Melvin

    Jul 18, 2022


    Insightful & Informative.

    • Komal

      Jul 19, 2022


      Thank you!

  6. Manju

    Jul 12, 2022


    Informative article….keep goin

    • Komal

      Jul 12, 2022


      Thank you!

  7. Akash Samuvel

    Jul 12, 2022


    Nice work and very useful info.

    • Komal

      Jul 12, 2022


      Thank you!

  8. Darshan

    Jul 12, 2022


    Very informative…keep up the good work

    • Komal

      Jul 12, 2022


      Thank you!

  9. Joshwa

    Jul 11, 2022


    Great work. Very educative.

    • Komal

      Jul 12, 2022



  10. Sangeetha

    Jul 11, 2022


    Good one!

    • Komal

      Jul 12, 2022



  11. Vamsi

    Jul 11, 2022


    It’s very informative… Great work

    • Komal

      Jul 12, 2022


      Thank you!

  12. Joshna sharon

    Jul 11, 2022


    This was super informative great work Komal 👏

    • Komal

      Jul 12, 2022


      Thank you 🙂

  13. Susheela

    Jul 11, 2022


    Good read!!!

    • Komal Singh

      Jul 11, 2022


      Thank you!

  14. Kishan Singh

    Jul 11, 2022


    Good read

    • Komal Singh

      Jul 11, 2022



  15. Shruti

    Jul 11, 2022


    Great work Komal👏

    • Komal Singh

      Jul 11, 2022


      Thank you Shruti!

  16. Sumedh patil

    Jun 22, 2022


    Excellent keep up the good work!!!

    • Komal Singh

      Jun 22, 2022


      Thank you

  17. Swarna

    Jun 22, 2022


    Very informative article komal. Excellent start… All the best for your further blogs…

    • Komal Singh

      Jun 22, 2022


      Thank you.

  18. Sinchana S

    Jun 21, 2022


    the article was informative

  19. Venu

    Jun 21, 2022



  20. Satish

    Jun 21, 2022


    Komal: Excellent article on zero trust Model. Good read!

    • Komal Singh

      Jun 22, 2022


      Thank you!

  21. R Madan Singh

    Jun 21, 2022


    Excellent work

    • Komal Singh

      Jun 22, 2022


      Thank you.

  22. Krishna singh

    Jun 20, 2022



    • Komal Singh

      Jun 22, 2022


      Thank You

  23. Divya

    Jun 20, 2022


    Really nice good all the best for your further blog

    • Komal

      Jun 21, 2022



  24. Charles Dominic

    Jun 20, 2022


    Great article Komal. Really informative.

    • Komal

      Jun 21, 2022


      Thank you

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