
2 Mins Read


Cloud computing has arrived and it is time now to welcome the change with open arms before the phenomenon starts looming like a dark cloud waiting to break into a storm over the unprepared.

There is a general indecisiveness over shifting entirely to the cloud. This is fueled by factors which if identified seem like a weak basis to make decisions upon. Some of them are:

If these can be called disadvantages the advantages overcome them many times over. An interesting info-graphic from wikibon below can help us see that.

The ramifications of delaying moving to cloud will be severe as when cloud takes over, and it will, there will be too much to do in too little a time. It is just a matter of time which moves really fast in the world of technology.

The biggest shocker is the fact that most of us work in the cloud everyday. Web services like Facebook, Gmail, DropBox, Apple iCloud, LinkedIn, Disqus, Salesforce, Amazon Webservices, Hotmail, Box.Net, Twitter and many more are already being used by companies and employees around the globe.



Therefore as proponents of the new movement it is necessary not only to encourage businesses to start training their personnel who are currently only comfortable using conventional systems but also work towards hiring cloud trained personnel.

At the same time it is important to educate and spread awareness among the top management regarding the simplicity of the structure, the advantages in terms of security and resource utilization and to develop at least a partly standardized process to make the move from legacy spaghetti to the cloud. The most important variable that might impress them might be the extent to which cloud can positively affect their margins.

Get yourself and your team trained on Cloud Computing increasing your knowledge beyond here-say, discuss your scenarios with an expert. Take an informed decision. https://cloudthat.in/courses-offered/

Certificate Courses Duration
Fundamentals of Cloud Computing – Level 1 1 Day
Cloud Computing with AWS – Level 2 2 Days
AWS Certification Bootcamp – Level 3 NEW 2 Days
Processing BigData with Apache Hadoop 2 Days
Cloud Computing with Microsoft Azure – Level 2 2 Days

Register now at https://cloudthat.in/admission-form/

Reaching for the clouds is not a metaphor any more. It is a reality that must be recognized and adapted to before time runs out

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CloudThat is a leading provider of cloud training and consulting services, empowering individuals and organizations to leverage the full potential of cloud computing. With a commitment to delivering cutting-edge expertise, CloudThat equips professionals with the skills needed to thrive in the digital era.



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