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Study Guide To Crack The Microsoft Certification Exam DA-100: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI


1. Introduction
2. What to expect from this article?
3. Prerequisites
4. Key Benefits
5. Exam Pattern
6. Percentage of Questions for all the Modules
7. Study Materials and References
8. Tips and Tricks
9. Get Certified Now
  1. Introduction

    The data Analyst job is buzzing around in the IT industry and Data Science has become one of the fastest-growing areas that everyone wants to associate with. Let us see what the Microsoft Azure Data Analyst Associate, DA-100 certification exam is about and how do you go about preparing for this exam.

  2. What to expect from this article?

    To support your learning and skill development, I have segregated a step-by-step guide to help you accomplish the upskilling goal. A detailed description of topics from each module, exam pattern, preparation tips and tricks, study material, and links to all the related references are available.

  3. Prerequisites

    Candidates appearing for the Microsoft Azure Data Analyst certification exam must have a thorough knowledge of Microsoft Azure cloud concepts. They should also have experience in basic Business Intelligence concepts like reporting, dashboarding, and authoring measures and KPIs using Microsoft Power BI. They should also have a basic understanding of Data preparation and data cleaning. There are no mandatory prerequisites for this exam.

  4. Key Benefits:

    • Data analysts have a fundamental understanding of Data repositories and data processing both on-premise and on the cloud.
    • You can also enable businesses to maximize the value of their data assets using Microsoft Power BI.
    • You will be responsible for designing and building scalable data models, cleaning, and transforming data and enabling advanced analytics capabilities, and provide meaningful business value through easy to visualize data solutions.
    • Also, you will be able to collaborate with key stakeholders across verticals to deliver relevant insights based on identified business requirements.
    • Leverage your career with this certification and propel yourself ahead in the job market. Key benefits of DA-100 Certification Exam
    • Not just the job prospects will wide open, but also your earnings will be significantly increased as you can confidently grab a considerably higher salary package.
  5. Exam Pattern

    The below table summarizes all the exam critical details:DA-100-Table

  6. Percentage of Questions for all the Modules:

    • Prepare the Data (20-25%)

    From this module, you can expect questions on getting data from different datastores using Common Data Service (CDS) and parameters, profile, clean, transform, and load the data. You will be asked to resolve inconsistencies, apply data shape transformations to table structures, combine queries, apply user-friendly naming conventions to columns and queries.

    • Model the Data (25-30%)

    Questions from this module will be based on designing and developing the data model, create measures by using DAX and optimizing the performance of the data model.

    • Visualize the Data (20-25%)

    From this module, questions will be based on creating reports, live dashboards, increase usability, configuring navigation, Sync Slicers, and design reports for mobile devices.

    • Analyze the Data (10-15%)

    Fewer questions will be asked from this module, which will be about enhancing reports to expose insights, performing advanced analysis by conducting Time Series analysis, use groupings and binnings, apply AI insights, etc.

    • Deploy and Maintain Deliverables (10-15%)

    This module deals with managing datasets, creating, and managing workspaces, assign workspace roles, configure, and update a workspace app, publish, import, or update assets in a workspace, apply sensitivity labels to workspace content.

  7. Study Materials and References

    *Microsoft Official Courseware (MOC) are provided by CloudThat upon enrolment for the course
    *Microsoft Data Analyst Associate certification exam Learning Path

    *Microsoft Documentation
    *Case studies for understanding customer requirement
    *Microsoft Instructor-led training
    *Sample Questions for DA-100: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI
    *CloudThat provides Test Prep for anyone attempting this course where unlimited access is provided to our library for Azure, MCQs, and performance tracker.
    *Bootcamp course for Microsoft Data Analyst Associate Certification Exam

  8. Tips and Tricks:

    • The exam focuses heavily on the Clean, Transform and prepare models using Power BI.
    • Also, you must thoroughly prepare topics on how to develop visualization suitable for business requirements and deploy models.
    • Don’t miss out on taking up CloudThat’s TestPrep before you write the actual exam.
    • Also, have a solid grasp on DAX for the exam.
  9. Get Certified Now

    It is always great to get the right source of learning to Move Up. At CloudThat we have a course aimed at preparing participants/candidates for DA-100 Certification Exam. You can also register by visiting the Microsoft website.

    If you have just begun your Microsoft Azure journey related to data in the cloud, then the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Certification Exam will be a good course to get started. This is the first exam in Data Platform Series and is all about the fundamentals.

    Join the Power Platform revolution along with 100+ fortune 500 companies and CloudThat will be there to support your career growth.

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WRITTEN BY Anusha Shanbhag

Anusha Shanbhag is an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Technical Content Writer specializing in technical content strategizing with over 10+ years of professional experience in technical content writing, process documentation, tech blog writing, and end-to-end case studies publishing, catering to consulting and marketing requirements for B2B and B2C audiences. She is a public speaker and ex-president of the corporate Toastmaster club.



  1. Sohini

    Mar 8, 2021


    Very useful

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