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Streamlining Software Deployment to Amazon WorkSpaces with AWS Systems Manager

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Deploying software efficiently and securely across multiple environments is critical to modern IT management. Amazon WorkSpaces, a fully managed, secure Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution combined with AWS Systems Manager, provides a robust framework for managing and deploying software to virtual desktops. This blog will guide you in using AWS Systems Manager to deploy software to Amazon WorkSpaces, ensuring a seamless, scalable, and automated approach.

Why Use AWS Systems Manager for Software Deployment?

AWS Systems Manager offers several benefits for software deployment, including:

  • Automation: Automate repetitive tasks and workflows, reducing manual effort and errors.
  • Scalability: Manage and deploy software to thousands of instances with ease.
  • Centralized Management: Maintain a single pane of glass for managing your infrastructure.
  • Security and Compliance: Leverage AWS’s security features to maintain compliance and secure operations.

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Before we dive into the deployment process, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Amazon WorkSpaces Environment: Set up your Amazon WorkSpaces environment with the required WorkSpaces running.
  2. AWS IAM Roles: Ensure you have the necessary IAM roles and permissions to allow the AWS Systems Manager to interact with your Amazon WorkSpaces.
  3. AWS CLI: Install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) on your management machine.
  4. Software Package: Have the software package ready for deployment.


Step-by-Step Guide to Software Deployment

AWS Systems Manager:

  • In the AWS Systems Manager console, navigate to Instances and Nodes, select Hybrid Activations, and then click Create an Activation.
  • In the Activation settings, you can enter an optional description, specify the number of instances you want to manage, choose the AWS IAM role that facilitates communication between the SSM Agent and the managed instances, and provide an optional default instance name. After filling in these details, click on Create Activation.
  • Once you get a success notification, make sure to copy the activation code and activation ID, as you will need them for the next step.

Amazon WorkSpaces:

For Windows WorkSpace, follow the below steps:

  • Launch and log in to your Amazon WorkSpaces app.
  • Open PowerShell with administrative privileges.
  • Copy the commands below into Notepad, and substitute the highlighted placeholders with the activation code, activation ID, and AWS Region.
  • Press Enter

For Linux Workspace, follow the below steps:

  • Launch and log in to your Amazon WorkSpaces app.
  • Access a Linux terminal and execute commands with administrative privileges.
  • Enter the commands provided below into the terminal, ensuring you substitute the highlighted placeholders with the appropriate activation code, activation ID, and AWS Region.
  • Press Enter

The above command Registers the workspace with the SSM Agent and displays the SSM Agent’s running status.


Deploying software to Amazon WorkSpaces using AWS Systems Manager offers a powerful, scalable, and secure solution for modern IT management.

By leveraging AWS Systems Manager, you can automate repetitive tasks, manage thousands of instances effortlessly, and maintain a centralized, compliant, and secure environment. This step-by-step guide has walked you through the essential processes and commands to deploy software to Windows and Linux WorkSpaces successfully.

Following these steps ensures a seamless and efficient deployment, enabling your organization to focus on productivity and innovation while minimizing manual effort and errors. With AWS Systems Manager and Amazon WorkSpaces, you can achieve a robust and reliable software deployment strategy tailored to your organization’s needs.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding Amazon WorkSpaces and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. Why should I use AWS Systems Manager for software deployment?

ANS: – AWS Systems Manager provides several advantages, including automation of repetitive tasks, scalability for managing thousands of instances, centralized management of your infrastructure, and enhanced security and compliance features.

2. Can I automate software updates using AWS Systems Manager?

ANS: – Yes, AWS Systems Manager allows you to automate software updates, ensuring that all managed instances are up to date with the latest software versions and patches.

WRITTEN BY Aniket Kumar Ambasta

Aniket Kumar Ambasta works as a Research associate- TC - Infra, Security, and Migration at CloudThat. He is AWS Solutions Architect- Associate certified and has completed his Bachelor's in Computer Applications. He has good experience in Cloud technologies. Apart from professional interests, he loves exploring and learning new technologies.



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