- Option 2: The most appropriate answer is option 2 because the mantra of cloud computing is “pay-per-use”. So the more you use resources on cloud, the more you pay and as you start using less, you pay less.
Answer 7: Option 3
- Your organizations may have either NAS or SAN storage. However, in cloud you need to consolidate your resources and make it usable for your organization from a holistic point of view. Hence, the most appropriate answer is option 3.
Answer 8: Option 1
- One of the biggest advantages of using cloud computing is that you do not need a huge capital to invest in your IT infrastructure. You can pay as you use.
Answer 9: Option 3
- The correct option is 3. You should consider automating tasks that are repetitive such as provisioning machines or creating new user accounts and so on.
Aug 5, 2014
I like to see more questions
Nov 17, 2014
Agreed – The Affordable Health Care site runs in the Verizon cloud. That is certainly a Govt cloud service.
Jun 30, 2014
Think you may have had a mix up between question and answer options 2 and 3 of question 1.