AWS, Cloud Computing

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Improve Operational Excellence with AWS Personal Health Dashboard

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1. Overview
2. Introduction to AWS Personal Health Dashboard
3. Importance of Personal Health Dashboard
4. Inside Personal Health Dashboard
5. Personal Health Dashboard View
6. Advantages of AWS Personal Health Dashboard
7. Pricing
8. Conclusion
9. About CloudThat
10. FAQs



High availability and Performance tracker of services are vital for any application. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could see all the services offered by a cloud platform in the form of a dashboard, highlighting usage, activity trackers, and other parameters?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most widely used cloud platforms that offer a wide range of services and tools. In this blog, we will discuss one of the AWS services, AWS Personal Health Dashboard, also known as AWS Health Dashboard.

In AWS Personal Health Dashboard, all your services are displayed where you can see their performance and availability in a completely customized and personalized manner. It helps you track the services’ activities and keeps you up to date with the changes.

For customers that run critical applications, speed, agility, and real-time alerts can help prevent incidents impacting the resources. Maintaining the reliability and availability of customers’ applications running on AWS is a critical task.

To learn more about this service, let us deep dive into it.

Introduction to AWS Personal Health Dashboard

AWS Personal Health Dashboard gives a personalized view of the status of your AWS resources, accounts, and the services that you use. It also provides alerts and guidance for AWS events that might affect your environment. It shows the last open events to help you manage running events and shows notifications proactively so that you can schedule the activities accordingly. Any AWS customer can access the Personal Health Dashboard.

Importance of AWS Personal Health Dashboard

While working closely with customers, the team saw an impact on their AWS applications. They observed that customers spent precious time troubleshooting on their end to answer questions regarding wrong configuration, buggy code, or a lousy deployment from the customer’s end? or is this issue due to an underlying AWS infrastructure problem? Consistently hearing these kinds of feedback from the customers, AWS came up with a solution.

Inside Personal Health Dashboard

AWS Personal Health Dashboard

Image Source:

Personal Health Dashboard View

The AWS Personal Health Dashboard shows the information in the following ways:

AWS Personal Health Dashboard

AWS Personal Health Dashboard

Advantages of AWS Personal Health Dashboard


AWS Personal Health Dashboard offers a subscription-based pricing model. It starts with Developer at $29.00, Business at $100.00, and Enterprise at $15000.00


The AWS Personal Health Dashboard monitors your personal as well as organizational activities and keeps you up to date with the changes. Also, it saves time by showing the only services you are using and sends notifications regarding the same.     

About CloudThat

CloudThat is the official AWS (Amazon Web Services) Advanced Consulting Partner, Microsoft Gold Partner, Google Cloud Partner, and Training Partner helping people develop knowledge of the cloud and help their businesses aim for higher goals using best-in-industry cloud computing practices and expertise. We are on a mission to build a robust cloud computing ecosystem by disseminating knowledge on technological intricacies within the cloud space. Our blogs, webinars, case studies, and white papers enable all the stakeholders in the cloud computing sphere.

CloudThat is a house of All-Encompassing IT Services on the cloud offering Multi-cloud Security & Compliance, Cloud Enablement Services, Cloud-Native Application Development, and System Integration Services. Explore our consulting here.

If you have any queries about AWS Personal Health Dashboard, High Availability, and Performance, or any other AWS service, drop them in the comment section and I will get back to you quickly. Stay tuned for my next blog on a step-by-step guide for streamlining data in real-time.


Q1: How does AWS Personal Health Dashboard differ from the AWS Service Health Dashboard?

AWS Service Health Dashboard gives you an overview of how your AWS services perform, but it does not tell you much about how their health affects your resources. Using AWS Personal Health Dashboard, you can view a personalized view of the health of the specific services that support your workloads and applications.

Q2: Can I customize AWS Personal Health Dashboard?

Yes. Setting up notification preferences for different events is a great way to customize Personal Health Dashboard. In addition, you can create custom remediation actions that are triggered when events occur.

Q3: How do I sign up for notifications?

Besides API and email support, AWS Personal Health Dashboard offers CloudWatch Events support (SQS, SNS, Lambda, and Kinesis). CloudWatch Events allows you to filter events based on custom rules you can create. AWS Personal Health Dashboard events are sent to the CloudWatch Events bus where rules can be wired to target services such as SNS, SQS, Lambda, or Kinesis.

Q4: What is a common use case of AWS Personal Health Dashboard?

One of the most common use cases of AWS Personal Health Dashboard is that it is used for Automatic routing of the relevant notification.

Thank you for reading!

WRITTEN BY Vaishali Bhawsar

Vaishali is working as a Research Associate in CloudThat Technologies. She has good knowledge of Networking, Linux systems & C language, and currently working on various AWS projects along with, Terraform, Docker, and Ansible. She enjoys painting and cooking during her free time.



  1. Abhishek

    Jul 22, 2022


    Very Informative

  2. Aishwarya

    Jul 20, 2022


    Nice content, keep sharing!!

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