Cloud Computing

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How to get a Job in Cloud Computing?

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Cloud Computing is the core that brings together niche technologies of today under an all-encompassing umbrella of the computational realm. Research reports predict that 85% of organizations worldwide will adopt a cloud-first strategy by 2025. With most companies moving their workload to the cloud, demand for cloud professionals is skyrocketing. Different cloud computing career roles have come into play in recent days and this blog post decodes the cloud market, major cloud players, job prospects, and job roles related to cloud computing succinctly.

Read more: How to get a Job in Cloud Computing | Future Skill Prime (

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WRITTEN BY Bhavesh Goswami

Bhavesh Goswami is the Founder & CEO of CloudThat Technologies. He is a leading expert in the Cloud Computing space with over a decade of experience. He was in the initial development team of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in Seattle. and has been working in the Cloud Computing and Big Data fields for over 12 years now. He is a public speaker and has been the Keynote Speaker at the ‘International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics’. He also has authored numerous research papers and patents in various fields.



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