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How To Fix SSH Issues On Your Unreachable Linux Instance Using AWS Systems Manager

1. Introduction

In this blog, we are going to learn how to use EC2Rescue for Linux to fix unreachable Linux instances. With this method, we can rescue even the EC2 Instances that are not associated with AWS System Manager.

Explore more about AWS System Manager with this blog: Step by Step Guide: Centralized Multi-Account OS Patching using AWS Systems Manager. 

In this method, AWS will launch one CloudFormation stack behind and create a new VPC and launch an EC2RescueInstance for rescuing our Unreachable Instance. Once it is available, It will stop the unreachable Instance. Then it stops the Instance and creates the backup of unreachable Instances. Once it is finished, It will detach the root volume from the Unreachable Instance and attached it to the Rescue instance. Then it will locate the rescue device and then mount the rescue volume. It will run the following commands:

It will Start chroot and  Run EC2 Rescue for Linux. Then it will stop the Rescue Instance and detached the Instance Root Volume From EC2RescueInstance. Once it has been done, it will attach Instance Root Volume To Instance and will restore Instance to its Initial State. Then Cloudformation will delete the stack which was created for the rescue operation.

2. Workflow

  1. For Demonstration, I have changed  My Ec2 Instance /home directory permissions to 777. (As a best practice, create an AMI for the unreachable Instance before running this Automation)
    AWS Systems Manager
  2. I have tried to log in to my Instance again, and now I cannot SSH and get a “Permission denied” error
    AWS Systems Manager
  3. Here, we will use the “AWSSupport-ExecuteEC2Rescue” Automation Document to fix this issue:
  4. Go to AWS Console and Open the Systems Manager
  5. From the left menu pane, choose Automation and then select Execute Automation
    AWS Systems Manager
    Fig: Fixing SSH Issues on your unreachable Linux instance using AWS Systems Manager
  6. Select “Self service support workflows” from the Automation section
    Fig: Fixing SSH Issues on your unreachable Linux instance using AWS Systems Manager
  7. Then choose “AWSSupport-ExecuteEC2Rescue” and click “Next”
    Fig: Fixing SSH Issues on your unreachable Linux instance using AWS Systems Manager
  8. Next, collect the Instance ID of our Unreachable Instance and provide it in the parameter section
    Fig: Fixing SSH Issues on your unreachable Linux instance using AWS Systems Manager
  9. Click the Execute button to start Automation
    Fig: Fixing SSH Issues on your unreachable Linux instance using AWS Systems Manager
  10. Once you click the “Execute” button, the Automation will start, and you can see the Status “In Progress”:
    Fig: Fixing SSH Issues on your unreachable Linux instance using AWS Systems Manager
  11. We can expand the executed steps to see more details ( Linux Instances will have a “Failed” status for the first step every time.)
    Fig: Fixing SSH Issues on your unreachable Linux instance using AWS Systems Manager
  12. It will execute several Steps to recover our Unreachable Instance. Initially, it creates the Rescue Instance, and then It will Stop our Unreachable Instance
    Fig: Fixing SSH Issues on your unreachable Linux instance using AWS Systems Manager
  13. Now It will detach the Root volume from the Unreachable Instance and attach it to Rescue Instance
    Fig: Fixing SSH Issues on your unreachable Linux instance using AWS Systems Manager
  14. Once it is attached, the procedure runs EC2Rescue for Linuxover rescue Instance to fix the issue.
  15. Monitor the Overall Status of the Procedure using the Execution Status tab under Automation Executions, and wait for it to get “Success”, which marks it as complete
    Fig: Fixing SSH Issues on your unreachable Linux instance using AWS Systems Manager
  16. Now we can try to connect to our Original Instance,
    Fig: Fixing SSH Issues on your unreachable Linux instance using AWS Systems Manager

3. Conclusion:

With this method, you can log in to your EC2 Instance successfully. AWSSupport-ExecuteEC2Rescue  is a new method that automates every step required to fix common issues on our unreachable Linux instance utilizing respective EC2Rescue for Linux.

4. About CloudThat:

CloudThat is the authorized AWS Well-Architected Partner, helping other businesses build secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructures for their application and workloads.

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WRITTEN BY Deepak Surendran



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