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Git is a tool that helps software developers keep track of changes they make to their code over time. It’s like a time machine that lets you go back and forth between different versions of your code and helps you collaborate with other developers on the same codebase.
At its core, Git operates on a decentralized model, where each developer has a complete copy of the project’s repository, including its entire history. This allows developers to work offline and independently, making it resilient and efficient. Git’s distributed nature also ensures no single point of failure, as repositories can be hosted on different servers or personal computers.
Git also supports code review workflows and facilitates collaboration among team members.
Git employs a snapshot-based approach to version control, meaning it records the entire state of the project at each commit rather than just the changes made. This enables precise tracking of code history and easy branching and merging of different code branches.
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- git cherry-pick – This command allows you to apply a specific change or feature from one branch of your code to another. It’s like picking a cherry from one tree and putting it on another. It’s useful when you want to reuse code from one branch in another branch without copying everything.
- git stash – This command helps you save the changes you’ve made to your code, but you’re not ready to commit them yet. It’s like taking a snapshot of your work that you can return to later. It’s useful when you want to switch to a different branch or work on a different task without losing your changes.
- git rebase – This command lets you change the history of your code by applying the changes from one branch to another. It’s like moving the foundation of a building from one location to another. It’s useful when you want to integrate changes from one branch into another while keeping the history of both branches intact.
- git reset – This command helps you undo changes you’ve made to your code and go back to a previous version. It’s like erasing something you’ve written on a whiteboard and starting over. It’s useful when you want to fix a mistake or revert to an earlier version of your code.
- git reflog – This command lets you see a log of all the changes you’ve made to your code, including those you’ve undone or deleted. It’s like a journal of everything you’ve done to your code. It’s useful when you want to recover lost code or figure out where you went wrong.
- git bisect – This command helps you find the exact change or commit that caused a bug or problem in your code. It’s like playing a guessing game where you eliminate half of the suspects each time. It’s useful when you want to identify the root cause of a problem in your code.
- git submodule – This command allows you to include a separate Git repository inside your repository. It’s like having a small house inside a bigger house. It’s useful when you want to reuse code from another project or manage dependencies.
- git tag – This command lets you create a label or tag for a specific code version. It’s like giving a name to a book or movie. It’s useful when you want to mark important milestones in your code’s development, such as a new release or a stable version.
- git blame – This command helps you find out who made a specific change to your code and when. It’s like looking at the credits of a movie to see who was involved. Understanding why a certain change was made is useful or who to ask for help is useful.
- git revert – This command lets you undo a specific change or commit by creating a new commit that undoes the changes. It’s like erasing a drawing on paper and redrawing it differently. It’s useful when you want to undo a change without deleting it from the history of your code.
GitHub has become an essential tool for software developers around the world. It provides a collaborative platform for developers to share their code, work together on projects, and contribute to open-source software. Its seamless integration with other tools and services, such as Jenkins, Travis CI, and AWS, has made it even more valuable for developers who want to streamline their workflows and improve productivity.
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1. Can I customize Git commands?
ANS: – Git lets you alter its behavior by creating unique aliases for frequently used commands and scripts that automate complex workflows. This can help you save time and improve efficiency while working with Git.
2. Can I undo changes in Git?
ANS: – Git allows you to undo changes to your various commands like git revert and git reset. These commands help you roll back changes to a previous state of your codebase.
3. What is a Git repository?
ANS: – A Git repository is a directory that contains all the files, history, and metadata of your project, where you store and manage all the changes/modifications made to your application codebase using Git.

WRITTEN BY Anirudha Gudi
Anirudha Gudi works as Research Associate at CloudThat. He is an aspiring Python developer and Microsoft Technology Associate in Python. His work revolves around data engineering, analytics, and machine learning projects. He is passionate about providing analytical solutions for business problems and deriving insights to enhance productivity.