AWS, Cloud Computing, DevOps

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DevOps and Cloud: A Symbiotic Relationship to Streamline business and IT Operations

With rising competitiveness in the market, enterprises from multiple domains are racing to achieve digital transformation to be ahead of the technology curve and expand their businesses. One cannot ignore the pace at which the world is running and looking for innovation to scale their businesses. The two most effective strategies for businesses have adopted the cloud and DevOps technologies for their IT environment.

Although we can define cloud in many ways, Cloud computing is a key enabling technology with on-demand network access to a pool of shared configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort. There are competitive pricing options for cloud service providers to choose from depending on the usage, subscription-based, dynamic usage etc. and the type of business they have.

DevOps has brought in a fundamental change in how the Development, Operations and Testing teams interact with each other to ensure faster, reliable, and secure delivery of software. This has enabled enterprises to respond faster to changing customer needs and market requirements in the digital age. Customer Experience has become the key guiding light in the DevOps journey. Increasingly, DevOps achievements are getting tied to business outcomes.

Cloud is more about services and technology, while DevOps is about continuous delivery of operations.

Here are 10 FAQs constantly asked about cloud computing. 

The Significance of DevOps and Cloud Computing:

Understanding the case of DevOps coupled with cloud technology for a successful IT transformation is detailed in the below pointers.

  1. DevOps and Cloud combined give us highly secured, automated and easily duplicatable processes that eliminate manual errors for any end-to-end implementation project.
  2. This combination ensures that transfer from the development team and IT operations team is eliminated, ensuring that the products reach the market faster than anticipated with less downtime.
  3. Cloud ensures the developer process is streamlined and scalable, which is one of the top reasons organizations adopt cloud.
  4. The build release process for application development is automated through DevOps, resulting in operational efficiency, improve code quality, and faster delivery time with the CI/CD pipelines.
  5. The software development methodology consisted of development, testing and production deployment. But with DevOps, these processes are automated. With DevOps’ help, deployment can be done within 45 seconds, which would take up to days or weeks to be completed otherwise.
  6. Innovation is faster for companies that have adopted DevOps in their cloud environment. The microservices and continuous delivery team allow their team to take ownership of the services resulting in faster product releases and satisfied customers.

To increase the productivity of developers, companies focus their operations on cloud computing. This allows developers more control over their components, thus automating the build, deploy, manage, and provision through code. DevOps as a single team is based on the rule that developers and operations work together in a cloud infrastructure communicating in the same language.

Here are the best DevOps Tools of 2021:

Best DevOps Tools of 2021

Let us look at a case study to understand the use case of DevOps in realtime projects.

Case Study:

With growing awareness about physical health and ease of access to various products and services, customers expect seamless delivery and highly available online platforms (mobile applications) for purchasing essential products. Especially in the pharmaceutical industry, efforts have been made to deliver medicines and other healthcare equipment available for users at their fingertips.

In this regard, the Client, a healthcare network platform, wanted to connect its users to a network of 19,000 licensed doctors, 1,000 certified partner pharmacies through medical delivery service Apotik Antar, an online pharmaceutical providing licensed medical laboratory services. Through the online platform, users should communicate with these medical professionals via chat, video, and voice call and avail quick services like delivery of medicines at their address.

The objective was to simplify access throughout the healthcare continuum, seamless connectivity for users to consult with the doctors, easy access to pharmacies and laboratory services, and cost-effective healthcare insurance.

CloudThat team of DevOps experts worked on this project to build an application and deploy it on highly available and fault-tolerant infrastructure. AWS cloud platform was utilized to achieve the predefined results such as Elastic Load Balancer, Amazon RDS (MySQL and Postgres), Amazon CloudFormation, CloudFront, Elastic Kubernetes service, DynamoDB, etc.

During the implementation, there were some hurdles related to security. Security breaches can have drastic effects on an organization if they are not mitigated at the initial stages. To avoid such scenarios, the DevOps team segregated the development and production network to better the infrastructure environment.

To read more about the case study, click here. 

IT Transformation Enabled by DevOps with Cloud Computing:

DevOps and Cloud Computing complement each other in different ways. Developers programming in a cloud environment can have multiple components to improve efficiency and productivity. Subsequently, designers can quickly create a development environment devoid of any IT operation requirement processes required to secure any infrastructural resources. DevOps and cloud combine to eliminate human errors as processes are easily automated, resulting in simplified code (Infrastructure-as-Code known as IaC).

Final Thoughts:

DevOps solutions from CloudThat approach the future of DevOps strategically and with the full-cycle and scope of DevOps in mind, including development teams, IT, and business units. Leveraging our comprehensive solution set and business leaders with decades of industry DevOps experience, we create a DevOps solution as unique as your business. And that means you can have peace of mind knowing you have the tools you need with the leading experts in DevOps by your side.

CloudThat is a leading AWS-DevOps consulting service provider committed to scale your business and get you ahead in the technology market. Check out more about DevOps from our experts and get in touch with us.

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WRITTEN BY Anusha Shanbhag

Anusha Shanbhag is an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Technical Content Writer specializing in technical content strategizing with over 10+ years of professional experience in technical content writing, process documentation, tech blog writing, and end-to-end case studies publishing, catering to consulting and marketing requirements for B2B and B2C audiences. She is a public speaker and ex-president of the corporate Toastmaster club.



  1. jack

    Oct 21, 2021


    Thanks for giving useful information

  2. Susil

    Jun 8, 2021


    Well written.

    • Anusha Shanbhag

      Jun 8, 2021


      Thank you Susil.

      • Palak

        Jun 8, 2021



        • Anusha Shanbhag

          Jun 9, 2021


          Thanks Palak.

  3. Rekha

    Jun 2, 2021


    Thanks for posting. Gives a good idea about DevOps and cloud for anyone interested to make a career in DevOps

  4. Click to Comment

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