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Choosing the Right Azure Traffic Manager Routing Method Strategy for Application Deployment

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Azure Traffic Manager is a DNS-based traffic load balancer service offered by Microsoft Azure. Enhancing application performance, availability, and resilience enables users to distribute incoming traffic across multiple endpoints, such as Azure cloud services, web apps, or external endpoints.

The core functionality of Azure Traffic Manager revolves around DNS-based routing, where DNS queries from clients are intelligently routed to the most appropriate endpoint based on predefined routing methods. This allows organizations to implement traffic-routing policies tailored to their specific needs, whether optimizing for performance, failover, or geographic proximity.


Azure Traffic Manager is crucial in distributing incoming traffic across multiple endpoints, ensuring optimal performance, availability, and reliability for applications hosted on the Azure platform.

One of the key decisions when setting up Traffic Manager is selecting the appropriate routing method. We’ll delve into the various routing methods offered by Azure Traffic Manager and provide insights into how each method works, its use cases, and considerations for choosing the right strategy based on your application’s requirements.

Whether you aim for performance optimization, disaster recovery preparedness, or geographic proximity for your users, understanding Azure Traffic Manager’s routing methods is essential for designing a robust and scalable architecture in the Azure cloud environment.

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Azure Traffic Manager Routing Methods

Azure traffic manager selects an endpoint based on the routing method configured. It supports six traffic-routing methods to suit different application needs and where routing methods are used to determine how to route network traffic to the various service endpoints.

  1. Priority: In the Priority routing method, endpoints are ranked based on priority values assigned by the user. Traffic is directed to the endpoint with the highest available and responsive priority. This method is useful for implementing primary-secondary failover scenarios, where traffic is primarily directed to the main endpoint and only routed to backup endpoints if the primary endpoint becomes unavailable.
  2. Performance: This routing method directs traffic to the endpoint with the lowest latency or highest throughput from the client’s location. Azure Traffic Manager uses real-time measurements to determine the endpoint’s performance and dynamically adjusts routing accordingly. This method is suitable for optimizing user experience by directing traffic to the nearest or fastest endpoint.
  3. Weighted: The Weighted routing method allows users to distribute traffic across endpoints based on predefined weights assigned to each endpoint. Higher weight values indicate a higher proportion of traffic routed to that endpoint. This method benefits load-balancing traffic across multiple endpoints based on capacity or geographical location.
  4. Subnet: Choose the Subnet traffic-routing method to associate groups of end-user IP address ranges with endpoints. Upon receiving a request, the endpoint returned will correspond to the mapping established for the source IP address of that request.
  5. Multivalue: The Multi-value routing method returns multiple healthy endpoints to clients, allowing them to choose which endpoint to connect. This method is useful for applications that benefit from providing clients with multiple endpoint options, such as content delivery networks or distributed databases. This method can have only IPv4/IPv6addresses as endpoints.
  6. Geographic: Geographic routing enables users to route traffic to specific endpoints based on the geographic location of the client. Users can define geographic regions and map endpoints to each region. The Traffic Manager then directs clients to the endpoint closest to their geographic location, improving performance and compliance with data residency regulations.

Benefits of Using Routing Methods

  1. Enhance the Application Performance
  2. Improves the Availability
  3. Scalability and Load Balancing
  4. Seamless Integration with other Azure Services
  5. Flexibility and Customization


Understanding Azure Traffic Manager routing methods is crucial for optimizing application deployment and ensuring high availability and performance. Each routing method offers distinct advantages and is tailored to specific scenarios and requirements. Whether you prioritize geographic proximity, endpoint health, or traffic distribution methods, Azure Traffic Manager provides the flexibility and control needed to achieve your objectives. By carefully considering the characteristics of your application and the needs of your users, you can select the most suitable routing method to maximize reliability, scalability, and user experience. With Azure Traffic Manager, you can confidently manage and optimize your application’s traffic routing, ensuring seamless operation across diverse geographical regions and network conditions.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding Azure Traffic Manager and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. In what scenarios would I use the Performance routing method in Azure Traffic Manager?

ANS: – The Performance routing method directs user traffic to the endpoint with the lowest latency or highest throughput based on the user’s geographic location. It’s beneficial for applications where minimizing latency or maximizing throughput is critical.

2. How do I choose the right routing method for my application in Azure Traffic Manager?

ANS: – The choice of routing method depends on various factors such as application architecture, performance requirements, geographic distribution of users, and redundancy needs. Evaluating these factors and understanding the capabilities of each routing method will help you choose the most suitable one for your application deployment.

3. When should I use the Priority routing method?

ANS: – Use the Priority routing method when you want to direct all traffic to a primary endpoint unless it is unavailable. If the primary endpoint fails, traffic is routed to the backup endpoints in the order specified.

WRITTEN BY Sridhar Andavarapu

Sridhar works as a Research Associate at CloudThat. He is highly skilled in both frontend and backend with good practical knowledge of various skills like Python, Azure Services, AWS Services, and ReactJS. Sridhar is interested in sharing his knowledge with others for improving their skills too.



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