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Chaos Engineering
Chaos engineering is a method of testing distributed software to ensure that it can resist unexpected interruptions is known as chaos engineering. It is based upon concepts from chaos theory, which emphasizes unpredictable and random behavior. Chaos engineering seeks to pinpoint systemic weaknesses through carefully orchestrated experiments that induce random and unpredictable behavior.
Software testing and quality control are methods used in chaos engineering. It is the right match for modern distributed systems and processes. It tests and makes corrections to a system, unlike stress testing and it mainly aims to gain knowledge about the system.
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Principles of Chaos Engineering
- Build a hypothesis around a steady state behavior
The first rule of chaos engineering is to concentrate on a system’s measurable output rather than its internal characteristics. To determine the system’s steady state by monitoring that output for a brief period.
- Vary real word events
Chaos variables represent actual occurrences, particularly failures of hardware and software as well as non-failure events like a spike in traffic. The frequency or possible impact of each event determines its priority.
- Run experiments in production
The most exact simulation of the production environment is typically used to conduct chaos experiments. This is a safeguard to avoid the worst-case situation that might happen when testing in a live environment.
- Automate experiments to run continuously
It should automate an experiment to examine a wider variety of conditions once it has been set up, with its outputs documented and its range of conditions defined.
- Minimize the blast radius
Production experimentation is a risky step small occurrences can be dealt with quickly, but the chaos engineer must make sure that any consequences are controlled and kept to a minimum.
Steps to Perform WordPress Application Health Check
- Update package list for upgrade
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sudo su apt-get update -y |
2. Install python3 and python3 virtual environment
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apt-get install python3 python3-venv - |
3. Create virtual environment
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python3 -m venv ~/ .venvs/chaosk |
4. Activate the environment
1 |
source ~/ .venvs/chaostk/bin/activate |
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pip install -U chaostoolkit |
5. Install Helm
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curl https://baltocdn.com/helm/signing.asc | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/helm.gpg > /dev/null |
1 |
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https –yes |
1 |
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/helm.gpg] https://baltocdn.com/helm/stable/debian/ all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/helm-stable-debian.list |
1 |
sudo apt-get update |
1 |
sudo apt-get install helm |
1 |
Helm -version |
6. Add repo to nginx-stable
1 |
helm repo add nginx-stable https: // helm.nginx.com/stable |
7. Get update from the repository
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helm repo update |
8. Install nginx controller in the namespace ingress-basic
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helm install nginx-release nginx-stable/nginx-ingress –create-namespace -n ingress-basic |
1 |
helm ls -n ingress-basic |
1 |
kubectl get all -n ingress-basic |
9. To deploy the WordPress application, add a repository that is azure marketplace
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helm repo add azure-marketplace https://marketplace.azurecr.io/helm/v1/repo |
10. Get an update from the repository
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helm repo update |
1 |
helm show values azure-marketplace/wordpress > /tmp/values.yaml |
1 |
vim /tmp/values.yaml |
Make changes in /tmp/values.yaml
11. Enable autoscaling to true
12. Enable ingress to true
13. Make persistence enabled to false
14. Make persistence enabled to false in MariaDB Primary Persistence parameters
15. Change the service type of WordPress from Load Balancer to ClusterIP since we are running on the nginx controller
16. Add annotations and save the file
17. Install helm chart, to deploy the WordPress application
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helm install my-release azure-marketplace/wordpress –values /tmp/values.yaml –create-namespace -n webapp |
1 |
helm ls -n webapp |
1 |
kubectl get all -n webapp |
18. Check whether pods are running
1 |
kubectl get pods -n webapp |
1 |
kubectl get svc -n ingress-basic |
19. Add ModHeader to Chrome
20. To access the WordPress application from the web copy and paste the External Ip address
21. To check whether the application is running and deployed properly access using the IP address.
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curl -H “Host:wordpress.local” |
1 2 |
create /tmp/health.yaml vim /tmp/health.yaml |
22. Copy and paste the content, which contains the steady state hypothesis: to check whether all the pods running in the namespace web app is in a healthy state.
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version: 1.0.0 title: What happens if we terminate an instance of the application? description: If an instance of the application is terminated, a new instance should be created tags: - k8s - pod - deployment steady-state-hypothesis: title: The app is healthy probes: - name: all-apps-are-healthy type: probe tolerance: true provider: type: python func: all_pods_healthy ## This will check all the pods running in the namespace webapp. module: chaosk8s.probes arguments: ns: webapp method: - type: action name: terminate-app-pod provider: type: python module: chaosk8s.pod.actions func: terminate_pods arguments: label_selector: app.kubernetes.io/name=wordpress rand: true ns: webapp |
1 |
kubectl get pods -n webapp --show-labels |
23. Run the health.yaml file to check whether the app is healthy,
Here, the experiment failed and deviated when it tried to probe whether all the pods are healthy or not within the namespace web app. It found the system is in unhealthy state.
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chaos run /tmp/health.yaml |
24. Kubernetes action is taken time to create the pod
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kubectl get pods -n webapp |
25. To run the application successfully need to add pause:20 sec in /tmp/health.yaml file, within those 20 seconds deployment will take an action and recreate the pod
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chaos run /tmp/health.yaml |
1 |
kubectl get pods -n webapp |
Hence, the application ran successfully after adding pause:20 sec in /tmp/health.yaml file, within those 20 seconds deployment will take an action and the pod will be recreated.
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CloudThat is also the official AWS (Amazon Web Services) Advanced Consulting Partner and Training partner and Microsoft gold partner, helping people develop knowledge of the cloud and help their businesses aim for higher goals using best in industry cloud computing practices and expertise. We are on a mission to build a robust cloud computing ecosystem by disseminating knowledge on technological intricacies within the cloud space. Our blogs, webinars, case studies, and white papers enable all the stakeholders in the cloud computing sphere.
Drop a query if you have any questions regarding Chaos Engineering and I will get back to you quickly.
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1. Why Chaos Engineering is applied in health check?
ANS: – Unlike conventional testing, Chaos Engineering evaluates software applications and systems through experiments and unexpected pairings. By doing this, firms broaden the testing and examine how the program will function in unexpected circumstances.
2. What is the Steady State Hypothesis in Chaos Engineering?
ANS: – For the experiment to reveal information concerning weaknesses when contrasted against the specified “normal” limits of what is measured, a steady state hypothesis (SSH) specifies “what normal looks like” for the system. The Steady State Hypothesis serves two roles in the Chaos Toolkit. Before experimenting, it is used to ensure that the target system is in a recognized normal state. The results offered by the experiment’s report are formed using it as a template for comparison of the state of your system after the experiment has been run.

WRITTEN BY Abhilasha D
Abhilasha D is a Research Associate-DevOps at CloudThat. She is focused on gaining knowledge of Cloud environment and DevOps tools. She has keen interest in learning and researching on emerging technologies.