Mohammed Hassan Shahid

Research Associate

Mohammed Hassan Shahid Blogs

Total Posts : 10

Azure, DevOps, Terraform

A Technical Comparison of Terraform and Bicep for Cloud Infrastructure Management

By Mohammed Hassan Shahid

Mar 20, 2024

Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, AWS, Microsoft CoPilot

A Comparative Analysis of Google Gemini, Amazon Q, and Microsoft Copilot

By Mohammed Hassan Shahid

Mar 20, 2024

AWS, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics

Advanced Capabilities of Amazon Redshift Serverless for Streamlined Data Processing

By Mohammed Hassan Shahid

Dec 13, 2023

AWS, Cloud Computing, DevOps

A Deep Dive into Terraform vs. OpenTofu in Cloud Infrastructure Orchestration

By Mohammed Hassan Shahid

Dec 13, 2023

AWS, Cloud Computing

Seamless Content Delivery with AWS Elemental MediaConnect

By Mohammed Hassan Shahid

Sep 18, 2023

Apps Development, Cloud Computing, DevOps

Empowering Software Development with Git for Better Efficiency and Collaboration

By Mohammed Hassan Shahid

Sep 11, 2023

Mohammed Hassan Shahid Case Studies

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