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Seamless Data Lake Management with Apache Iceberg AWS Glue and Amazon Athena

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Apache Iceberg has revolutionized how we handle big data tables, enabling efficient table management with features like partition evolution, time travel, and atomic operations. Combining Iceberg with AWS Glue Catalog and Amazon Athena simplifies data lake workflows, making it accessible to modern cloud environments.

In this blog, we will explore:

  1. Registering Iceberg Tables in AWS Glue Catalog using Amazon Athena and AWS Glue
  • For partitioned and unpartitioned tables.

2. Performing UPSERT operations with AWS Glue and Amazon Athena.

3. Enabling and leveraging Time Travel in Iceberg tables.


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Registering Iceberg Tables in the AWS Glue Catalog

Iceberg tables can be partitioned or unpartitioned and registering them in the AWS Glue Data Catalog allows Amazon Athena and AWS Glue ETL jobs to query and manipulate these tables.

a. Registering Unpartitioned Iceberg Tables

To register an unpartitioned Iceberg table in the AWS Glue Catalog, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create the Table in Amazon Athena

Iceberg tables can be created using Amazon Athena’s SQL interface:

This command:

  • Creates an unpartitioned Iceberg table in the AWS Glue Catalog.
  • Sets the default storage type to Iceberg.

Step 2: Verify Registration

Confirm that the table appears under the appropriate database in the AWS Glue console.

Step 3: Query the Table with Amazon Athena

Test the table with simple queries in Athena:

b. Registering Partitioned Iceberg Tables

Partitioned tables allow efficient queries by reducing data scanning. To register a partitioned Iceberg table:

Step 1: Create the Partitioned Table

  • The PARTITIONED BY clause defines the partition key (age in this example).

Step 2: Load Data

Data can be inserted using Amazon Athena’s SQL:

Step 3: Verify Partitions

Use Amazon Athena to list partitions:

c. Registering Iceberg Tables via AWS Glue ETL Jobs

For AWS Glue ETL jobs to manage Iceberg tables:

  1. Use AWS Glue version 3.0 or later.
  2. Add the Iceberg connector jar (aws-glue-iceberg.jar) to the job if required.

Example PySpark Script

Performing UPSERT Operations

Iceberg tables support merge-on-read operations for upserts, combining INSERT and DELETE into one atomic operation.

Using Glue ETL for UPSERTs

Step 1: Load the Delta Data

Delta data (new or updated records) can be loaded into a Spark DataFrame.

Step 2: Perform the Merge

Iceberg uses the MERGE INTO SQL command for upserts.

  • WHEN MATCHED: Updates existing records.
  • WHEN NOT MATCHED: Inserts new records.

Using Amazon Athena for UPSERTs

  1. Create the Iceberg Table (if not already created):

2. Load the New Data into a Staging Table (Optional): If your new data comes from Amazon S3, create an external table:

3. Execute MERGE INTO to Perform UPSERT:

Using Time Travel

Time travel is a powerful Iceberg feature that allows historical snapshots of the table to be accessed.

a. Querying Historical Snapshots

  1. Version Based queries

Find the snapshot ID using the Iceberg metadata table:

Query a snapshot using its ID:

2. Time travel queries

b. Using AWS Glue ETL for Time Travel

In AWS Glue ETL jobs, time travel is configured using Iceberg properties.

Example PySpark script:


By leveraging Apache Iceberg with AWS Glue and Amazon Athena, you can efficiently manage your data lake, enabling advanced capabilities like partition evolution, atomic upserts, and time travel. AWS Glue’s ETL jobs provide seamless integration for processing and managing Iceberg tables, while Amazon Athena’s SQL interface simplifies querying.

Iceberg’s rich feature set and AWS’s powerful ecosystem empower modern data workflows to achieve scalability, consistency, and query performance.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding Apache Iceberg, AWS Glue or Amazon Athena and we will get back to you quickly.

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CloudThat is a leading provider of Cloud Training and Consulting services with a global presence in India, the USA, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Specializing in AWS, Microsoft Azure, GCP, VMware, Databricks, and more, the company serves mid-market and enterprise clients, offering comprehensive expertise in Cloud Migration, Data Platforms, DevOps, IoT, AI/ML, and more.

CloudThat is the first Indian Company to win the prestigious Microsoft Partner 2024 Award and is recognized as a top-tier partner with AWS and Microsoft, including the prestigious ‘Think Big’ partner award from AWS and the Microsoft Superstars FY 2023 award in Asia & India. Having trained 650k+ professionals in 500+ cloud certifications and completed 300+ consulting projects globally, CloudThat is an official AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, Microsoft Gold Partner, AWS Training PartnerAWS Migration PartnerAWS Data and Analytics PartnerAWS DevOps Competency PartnerAWS GenAI Competency PartnerAmazon QuickSight Service Delivery PartnerAmazon EKS Service Delivery Partner AWS Microsoft Workload PartnersAmazon EC2 Service Delivery PartnerAmazon ECS Service Delivery PartnerAWS Glue Service Delivery PartnerAmazon Redshift Service Delivery PartnerAWS Control Tower Service Delivery PartnerAWS WAF Service Delivery PartnerAmazon CloudFrontAmazon OpenSearchAWS DMS and many more.


1. How do I register an Iceberg table in the AWS Glue Catalog?

ANS: – Use Amazon Athena’s CREATE TABLE command to register the table, then verify in the AWS Glue console.

2. Can I perform UPSERT operations on Iceberg tables?

ANS: – Yes, you can use the MERGE INTO command in Spark for UPSERTs or emulate it in Amazon Athena with temporary tables.

WRITTEN BY Rishi Raj Saikia

Rishi Raj Saikia is working as Sr. Research Associate - Data & AI IoT team at CloudThat.  He is a seasoned Electronics & Instrumentation engineer with a history of working in Telecom and the petroleum industry. He also possesses a deep knowledge of electronics, control theory/controller designing, and embedded systems, with PCB designing skills for relevant domains. He is keen on learning new advancements in IoT devices, IIoT technologies, and cloud-based technologies.



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