Case Study

75% Increase in User Interaction Through Enhanced Chatbot with Image Upload and Feedback Features

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IT Services and IT Consulting


Amazon API Gateway, Amazon S3, AWS Lambda, Amazon Bedrock, Amazon DynamoDB


Enhanced user engagement and satisfaction with a secure, interactive chatbot featuring image uploads and feedback.

About the Client

Data Symphony is a groundbreaking initiative by CloudThat that seeks to orchestrate a harmonious integration of artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve optimal performance in diverse domains. CloudThat is an official AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, excels in Migration, DevOps, Data and Analytics, and more, leveraging AWS services to drive business success and build a robust cloud ecosystem.



Increase in User Interaction


Security Compliance

Valuable User Satisfaction Insights

Improved chatbot performance

The Challenge

The customer required a sophisticated chatbot solution integrated into their web platform to streamline user interactions and enhance customer support. Key requirements included the ability for users to upload images securely and provide instant feedback on the chatbot’s responses. The challenge was implementing a secure image upload mechanism and an intuitive feedback system without compromising user experience or security.


• Users upload images directly to Amazon S3 using pre-signed URLs, enhancing security and reducing server load.
• Added thumbs-up and thumbs-down buttons to capture user feedback and improve chatbot interactions.
• Amazon Bedrock processes uploaded images to generate relevant responses.
• User feedback is recorded in Amazon DynamoDB for analysis and chatbot improvement.

The Results

Implemented a secure, interactive chatbot with image upload and feedback features, boosting user engagement and satisfaction while enhancing overall functionality.

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