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A Beginner’s Guide to Terragrunt: Understanding, Using, and Best Practices

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In this blog, we’ll explore Terragrunt, explain its purpose, and walk you through key commands and installation with hands-on examples. We’ll cover practical use cases and best practices. This installation guide will also ensure you’re ready to start using Terragrunt right away.

What is Terragrunt?

Terragrunt is an open-source tool designed to enhance Terraform configurations by simplifying workflows and adding valuable features. It acts as a ‘wrapper’ around Terraform, addressing common challenges like keeping configurations DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), managing remote states, handling multiple environments, and executing custom tasks before or after running Terraform.

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Key Features of Terragrunt

Terragrunt is actively maintained, with new features and improvements being added regularly. Here are some of the standout features that make Terragrunt a valuable tool for Terraform users:

  1. Remote State Management: Simplifies remote state storage, allowing you to use services like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and more.
  2. DRY Configurations: Allows you to reuse common configurations across multiple Terraform modules, reducing duplication and making your setup easier to maintain.
  3. Dependency Management: Ensures that Terraform modules are deployed in the correct order, handling dependencies seamlessly.
  4. Configuration Inheritance: Enables you to create modular configurations that inherit parameters from parent settings, streamlining infrastructure management.
  5. Environment-Specific Configuration: Easily manage multiple environments (e.g., dev, staging, prod) by using environment-specific configurations.
  6. Dynamic Remote Backend Configuration: Supports configuring backends like S3 buckets or DynamoDB tables per environment, providing flexibility in managing state.
  7. Locking Mechanism: Prevents concurrent execution conflicts with a built-in locking.
  8. Secrets Management: Integrates with external secrets managers (e.g., AWS Secrets Manager or HashiCorp Vault) for securely handling sensitive data.
  9. CI/CD Integration: Works smoothly within CI/CD pipelines to automate infrastructure provisioning and deployment.
  10. Configurable Hooks: Supports pre- and post-terraform hooks to run custom scripts before or after Terraform operations.

How Terragrunt Works

At the core of Terragrunt is the terragrunt.hcl file, a configuration file placed at the root of your project or within individual module directories. This file contains settings that customize Terragrunt’s behavior, making it adaptable to different infrastructure setups.

Installing Terragrunt

Since Terragrunt is a wrapper for Terraform, you’ll need Terraform installed first. Below is a simple installation process for Terragrunt:

For a full installation guide, refer to the official Terragrunt Documentation.

Basic Terragrunt Commands

Running Terragrunt commands is similar to running Terraform commands. Simply replace terraform with terragrunt in your commands. For example:

  • terragrunt init
  • terragrunt validate
  • terragrunt plan
  • terragrunt apply
  • terragrunt destroy
  • terragrunt output

Use Cases

Here are some practical scenarios where Terragrunt shines:

  • Example 1: DRY Remote State Configuration: Define remote state configuration once and reuse it across multiple environments, reducing repetition.
  • Example 2: DRY CLI Arguments: Centralize common CLI arguments (like auto-approve and var-file) to avoid duplication across environments.
  • Example 3: DRY Terraform Configurations: Share local values across modules to reduce duplication. 
  • Example 4: Run Multiple Modules Simultaneously: Use the run-all commands (run-all apply, run-all plan, ) to execute multiple modules at once.

Best Practices for Using Terragrunt

While Terraform gives you flexibility in how you structure your code, Terragrunt encourages a more standardized approach. Here are some best practices to ensure you’re using Terragrunt effectively:

  • Plan your directory structure: Organize your infrastructure code into reusable modules and create separate directories for different environments (e.g., dev, staging, prod).
  • Use remote state storage: Securely store your Terraform states using backends like S3, Azure Blob Storage, or Terraform Cloud.
  • Consistent naming conventions: Standardize resource names for better readability and reduced conflicts.
  • Secrets management: Keep sensitive information secure with tools like HashiCorp Vault.
  • Version constraints: Lock specific versions of Terraform and Terragrunt to avoid breaking changes.
  • GitOps workflow: Manage infrastructure changes through code in version-controlled repositories.
  • CI/CD pipeline integration: Automate deployments using Terragrunt in your CI/CD pipeline.
  • Detailed documentation: Keep thorough documentation for modules and configurations to streamline onboarding and collaboration.


Terragrunt is a powerful tool for optimizing Terraform workflows. By adopting Terragrunt best practices and planning your infrastructure setup carefully, you can maintain a clean, scalable, and efficient infrastructure codebase.

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WRITTEN BY Martuj Nadaf



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