Amazon EC2 offers a wide array of features:
- Seamless scalability with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
- Cost & performance optimization with Amazon EC2 Fleet
- Optimization of CPU configurations
- Multiple-location deployment of EC2 instances
Enables to scale capacity in span of minutes with adherence to Service Level Agreement (SLA) of 99.99% availability.
Leverage cost and performance optimization with Amazon EC2 features.
Security is at the heart of Amazon EC2 with its Amazon Nitro System.
Building and migrating apps is made easy by AWS Migration tools, AWS Managed Services and AWS Lightsail.
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) offers a plethora of instances to choose from for workloads.
The types of Instances prominently comprise general-purpose, compute-optimized, memory-optimized, storage-optimized, and accelerated computing.
CloudThat pioneered the cloud consulting space since 2012. As an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, we have delivered all-encompassing services on Consultancy and Migration, DevOps and DevSecOps
Data Platform Analytics, Cloud Media Services Consultation, Cloud Managed Services, and Cloud Contract Engineering.
Our ardent team of Microsoft Certified Solution Experts and AWS certified experts deliver robust solutions for windows workload. We have a proven track record of delivering cloud migration and managed services to reputed clientele across the globe.
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